
Wednesday, July 2, 2014


UP Beauty Online

“Here's how I see obesity: as a symptom. The larger problem is over-consumption. In a society that identifies consumption with patriotism, valorizes 'growth' above all else and assigns status according to how much you consume, we compete with each other to see who can consume the most”.
                                                       ~ Emily Levine

Obesity - Some Sad Stats
There is probably not one amongst us that couldn’t drop 5, 10, maybe 15 pounds and not feel better or more fit because of it. But let’s be clear, that’s not what this is all about. It’s about full on obesity (defined as a BMI {Body Mass Index} of 30 or over), not a slight plump, that we’re digging into here. Let’s give a few examples, one for both an average male and female:   

Male, 45, 5’11” - normal weight is 160-178, obesity starts at                        215 lbs. (equal to 30 on BMI chart) and up;
Female, 40, 5’6” - normal weight is 135-150, obesity starts at                         185 lbs. and up.

Please note that there are exceptions to this standard. Someone with a high % of muscle mass and low body fat (body builder, NFL Linebacker, etc.) can still project out as obese using this 30+ guide on the BMI chart, even when we know better by simply looking at their incredibly sculpted bodies. Again, this is not our subject matter. It is those whom are obese and because of excessive weight, are considered a health risk to themselves, as well as our health system, that we are focusing on today.
It’s estimated that nearly 1 in 3 adults are now qualified as obese, and worse yet, so are 15% of children. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and osteoarthritis. It is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food calorie intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although the genetic angle is often just a cop out. Lack of physical activity and the over consumption of calorie rich, nutrient poor foods are the overwhelming causes, making obesity preventable. Not always easy, mind you, yet possible. In 2013, The American Medical Society had to classify obesity as an official disease.

What’s Driving this Epidemic?
Is it socioeconomic conditions? Are we as Americans just getting lazy? Is the plethora of modern desk jobs versus ‘old school’ working the land at the root cause? Are some corporations, by lowering the cost of soda and offering cheap fast food meals, while driving up the cost of fresh fruits, vegetables and grass fed meats at fault? Are our metabolisms and hormone levels totally shot from the pace and stressors of modern living? The answer is probably “yes” to all of the above, on one level or another.
Education is of course paramount, but without ACTION, it’s all useless. We as Americans need to buckle down and move our butts, combined with shopping intelligently and then eating for nutrition, not to fill some other void. As we’ve seen from the popularity of shows like “The Biggest Loser” and “Extreme Weight Loss”, it is possible to take even the most obese and transform them, provided they want it. One common thread I’ve noticed from watching these shows is that at some point of excess weight gain, lack of hope is as much a cause as high calorie food. Hope is the key!

Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better
We seem to default to this equation during our blogs, but what works, works. Exercise, eat right (clean), and use supplements to your comfort level. The pace that you are heading towards this BMI obesity standard, if at all, is the degree to which your intensity needs to be cranked up. Don’t let 5 lbs. over become 10; stop 10 lbs. overweight from becoming 15, etc. And parents, for goodness sake, set the proper example for your children. We promise, it will be amongst your greatest gifts given.

      “We as parents are our children's first and best role models, and this is particularly true when it comes to their health”.
                                                              ~ Michelle Obama

PS: Shoot us an inspiring fitness transformation story! We will follow this up with an action plan & some suggestions for fighting the battle of the bulge...

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