
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

10 Hours Walking in New York City

UP Beauty Online

          "Catcalls make us feel unsafe. Catcalls remind us that, at any moment, even when we feel safe, we could be assaulted. Even if we were all superwomen, capable of dodging all harm, catcalls tell us that we’re only objects, waiting to be objectified by the next brazen creep who walks by."                                                           — Valerie Burn

WoW, I guess that’s one way to look at it. I’ve always believed that the way we interpret our world boils down to our answer to this, as posed by Albert Einstein: “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” Do we view the world as threatening and dangerous? Or do we see it as a place of peace and safety? Obviously, the world is neither of these all of the time, but since perception directly influences reality, our core outlook has a large bearing on our view points. Put me in the category of the above quote being extremely inflammatory and blown out of proportion, based on fear and hostility, not on love. Valerie seems to live in a hostile universe.
That is not to say that I condone public sexual harassment of women, or anyone for that matter, in any form. But the question remains as to what one interprets as a ‘catcall’, with the definition being as important as the issue. Is, “Hey darlin’, lookin’ fine today” a catcall? Does it depend on whom it comes from, their proximity, or what the voice inflection is? How does one, if it’s even possible, judge the intent? Does it depend on our mood when we encounter it? Do various ethnic and socioeconomic circumstances, or a perceived inequity between the ‘victim’ and the ‘catcallers’ social status, factor into the equation? Only one thing is certain – it’s complicated and the answers are NOT cut and dried.

By now you probably have heard some of the ruckus caused by the viral video (link attached in the PS) of the attractive white lady wandering the streets of NYC, getting verbally acknowledged in varying degrees by men, most of which were African American or Latino and visibly blue collar at best. The first item of note here was a lack of male white collar Caucasian representation on the video footage, for whatever the reason. The second irony, if you will, is that the producers of the video were from an organization called ‘Hollaback’ and they presented approximately 2 edited minutes out of a 10 hour shoot. Hollaback, by the way, is an organization whose stated goal is to end offensive catcalling, so let’s consider their agenda before we wig out on the video content.
It has been said that in sports (and many other subjects, I’m sure), you can find and use statistics to support whatever theory or picture you want to present. I would argue that if you have 10 hours of video footage edited down to 2 minutes, you just might be able to tell whatever story you wanted to in support of your goals, stated or otherwise. Isn’t being mentally manipulated by an agenda ironically close to catcalling as an infringement on our personal boundaries?

It must be TRUE, I saw it on YouTube
Again, let’s be clear on something. Harassing or verbally abusing another human, male or female, for any reason is wrong and unacceptable. What we’re trying to get across here, though, is that we all need to keep our thinking caps on as we filter through the multitudes of images that come at us daily. We’ve all seen the punch line to the joke, “I saw (or read) it online, it’s gotta’ be true”. There are people and organizations out there seeking to manipulate us, to stoke our fires so to speak, in getting us to side with their agendas. If you consciously support a cause, then that’s a win. Anything else is crap.               
Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better
As you know, we’re big proponents of personal responsibility and living with intent. Please don’t say anything to anyone that you wouldn’t want to hear yourself. Make your intent to create a friendly world filled with love and positivity. Filter out the daily nonsense you encounter and surround yourself with people, things and causes that make you feel good. And be careful, for what goes in, must come out!

Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.”
                                                                                ~ Henri Nouwen

PS: Here’s the link to the video:                                                     
After viewing it, what is your impression?

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