
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mind Power

UP Beauty Online

We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care as to what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.                                    
                                                                      Swami Vivekananda

Mind Power
We’ve all heard the phrase, “actions speak louder than words”, so where does that leave our thoughts. It’s foolish to try to rank the importance of each, so we’ll voluntarily acquiesce here as thoughts are the base for both words and actions. Let’s face it, we rarely do or say anything we haven’t first thought about. And of course if we do, we usually regret it!

It is believed that the power of thought can reveal itself on many levels, from the fairly superficial to deeper spiritual wisdoms. On the surface, most of us would agree that we have a few friends (not us, of course) that are perpetually ensconced in negativity, and their thoughts are normally the root cause. Most likely their lives are a reflection of their thought patterns.

Many estimate that we process over 60,000 thoughts daily and all of us have a percentage of negative ones, regardless of our own self-perceived positive attitude. What might happen if we were able to convert some of those negative thoughts to positive ones? Wouldn’t at least our attitude have to follow?

Unfortunately, most of our thoughts stem from past conditioning, cultural and religious beliefs, as well as parental and figurehead influences and they tend to repeat and run subconsciously, or under our conscious radar. At first this may seem like really bad news, as I’ve read several books that suggest we monitor them daily, including the multitudes of thoughts running beneath detection. Fear not, we’ll have some ideas on this later.

And, what then do the Spiritual Guru’s have to say about the deeper level of thoughts. According to the Law of Attraction, made popular by the DVD The Secret, thoughts become things. In other words, in simplistic terms, what we think about eventually becomes our reality. Even if this were only partially true, it certainly provides us both the urgency and impetus to move our negative thoughts to positive ones, starting NOW.

A How To Primer
So, how can we improve our thoughts? Indeed, keeping track of them would be a great self-control system to keep oneself on track as we think our way to better lives, but it’s not remotely possible. The easiest way to keep thoughts in line with what we want in our life is to simply observe how we feel in any given moment. In essence, our feelings provide a mirror to our primary thought patterns.
By paying attention to our feelings and emotions, especially when they are leaning negative or feeling conflicted, we have a trigger. If we notice either, the trick then is to trace the feeling to the associated thought pattern. Once identified, we can consciously and effectively make the appropriate changes to our thinking to correct the faulty pattern. On the contrary, if life is good and we’re feeling wonderful, there’s not much to do in regards to monitoring or tinkering.

Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better
Appreciation and self-love are the most vital emotions we could ever nurture and feel, as being in this state is very powerful in creating the life of our dreams. Appreciation of yourself, your current and future conditions, as well as others, is one of the best matches for Law of Attraction success principles we can find. Using our feelings as a sensory tool to monitor, and then ultimately tweak our thoughts, will put us back on course again. That is, of course, until the next time we need to make adjustments!

         “It’s rather simple. Thoughts that bring about good   feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring about bad feelings mean you are not on    the right track.
                                                 Drew Heriot, Director of “The Secret”

PS: Anyone have a story of how your thoughts created something that became a part of your life? Let us have it!

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