
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What's Your Excuse?

What's Your Excuse?

I remember reading Maria’s original “What’s your Excuse” post, re-posted by a facebook friend of mine. I was blown away by the comments that followed, mostly cutting Maria Chang down. Being personally in-shape and of a healthy, normal physique and weight despite an accelerating age, I added my own ‘soft’ comments of support to this negative firestorm. Thankfully, I managed to escape the facebook wars unscathed that day.

Photo taken from

Maria Kang – Inspiration or Chubby Basher?If you don’t know Maria yet, let’s just say she’s no nonsense. Kang has been called names like obnoxious and a self-righteous idiot, among others. She’s also been accused of cyber-bullying for matter-of-factly stating that there is no excuse for not working out. Her curt response; “What you interpret is not MY fault. It's yours.” Now, one name you definitely can’t call Maria is a hypocrite. She lives her motto with vigor, and frankly she could easily use any of the excuses we all throw out there for letting ourselves go. She’s a normal working mom of three young children under 6, works 8 hour + days, gets limited sleep, has stretch marks, is not a personal trainer or an athlete, and doesn’t have a nanny, a personal chef or any other special privileges. And Maria Kang is strong, vital and healthy looking, not skinny!

Like it or not, Maria’s facebook post controversy has brought her a hoard of adoring fans who don’t mind her unfiltered truth. In just a few months, Kang has formed the “No Excuse Moms Movement,” comprising more than 700 worldwide local groups of mothers who gather for regular, free workouts in parks and other public spaces, many using no special props other than sneakers their own body weight.“I feel like all the backlash was worth it,” Kang told Yahoo Shine. “I feel like my original image and message sparked an international dialogue that woke people up and made them question their excuses. I've always stood my ground that my intention was to inspire - and I have - and it's exciting.”

Maria’s Motivation comes from creating Healthy FamiliesWhile I’m fairly sure Kang enjoys looking like a super fitness model after 3 kids, her real ‘juice’ comes from the realization that in order to have a healthy, fit family and be a role model for children, one cannot fall victim to making excuses for why they’re not fit and healthy themselves.
For instance, children are welcomed and often join in the “No Excuse Moms Movement” workouts. Sometimes, infants are even worn in baby carriers while moms do modified movements. “I strongly believe that health starts at home,” Kang shares with Yahoo Shine, “and that in order to raise a healthy child, you need to be a healthy parent.”

One disciple of Maria’s family health philosophy is Lori Anne Hare, an Ohio mother of one, who in conjunction with Kang formed the “No Excuses Moms Challenge”, as well as publishing the 2014 Swimsuit Calendar featuring fitness forward moms. Hare is now the movements National Director, runs a local club, and is forming a “couch to 5K” runners club. Hare concedes, “My own family has had many health-related problems, and I really want to be a good example for my daughter.”Look Better, Feel Better, Live BetterMaria Kang is either a goddess or a pariah, depending on your perspective. As illustrated, her message is not for everyone. But the positive momentum of her followers is contagious and seems to work for those who need tough love and brutal honesty.With that, we applaud Maria Kang’s efforts and urge those who find her self-righteous to simply realize there are always two sides to every debate and that right and wrong is often just a matter of opinion. The important thing is not who she’s ticked off, but the multitude of lives she’s positively changed in just a short time. 

If you want to create physical change, you need to begin with a mental makeover. If you want progress, you need to move out of your comfort zone and ask yourself an uncomfortable question -  So, what is my excuse?”
                                                                ‘Hot FB Mom’ – Maria Kang

PS: Where do you come down on the “No Excuses Mom”?

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