UP Beauty Online -
We don’t want to waste your time, so here it is straight up. UP Beauty is about inspiration and empowerment for all, but with an unabashed female perspective.
It’s all about the Feeling
All the things we think we want translate into ONE thing – how they make us FEEL! The house and car, the cosmetic surgery or tattoos, the anti-cellulite cream (shameless plug) and waxing, all impact how we are perceived by others and therefore, how we feel. But aren’t we really seeking the feelings of happiness and joy the whole time?
What if we’ve played this game backwards our whole lives? If we just decided to FEEL strong, confident and brazen first, wouldn’t all those material things, procedures and services we desire just then be icing on the cake?
And further yet, what if we decided not to give a crap about what others think about us? Can you imagine the freeing effect of such an idea?
UP lifting, UP beat, UP beauty
So the intent here is to offer, every Wednesday night, a brief, hard-hitting, no bull s*** blog forum promoting inclusion, positivity, self-love, joy, diversity, health, wellness and beauty, plus more. If you’ll let us in, we’ll offer up ideas that will challenge you, make you contemplate (and hopefully act), as well as add vibrant color and spice to your life.
You’ll learn about UP Beauty’s founder, Leslie Laxler, through snippets of her life. Inevitably, Leslie has shared some of the same struggles as you. An exemplary wife, mother, employee, now grandmother and Business Entrepreneur, Leslie was haunted by cellulite as an inherited condition from her mid 20’s on, even as she remained on the leading edge of fit and trim. As strong and successful as she was, it still needlessly affected her self-esteem. She wants more and better for you...
Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better
Tune in next week and we’ll make it worth your while. We hope to offer up some life changing perspectives and content. If we can impact even one of you with our tidbits of empowering wisdom, then it’s been time well spent! Peace out ‘till next week...
“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well,
neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”
Zig Ziglar
PS: This is not a lecture format, as feedback and dialog are welcomed and encouraged. Ask questions and give us topics you’d like discussed – if we get enough questions accumulated, we may even change the format to a “Dear Abby” style, but maybe we’ll call it “Dear Leslie” to be more current!
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